Job Title: Healthcare Assistant 

Post requires a license: No 

Post requires 5 years residency: No 

Salary Range: £31,208.86  to £33,804.56 

Contract Type: Permanent 

Full time/Part Time: Full Time 

Term Time only post:  

Advert Closing Date:04/06/2024 




Job Overview

Our Health Care Assistants make a difference to a patients’ day and have the flexibility to work around their personal commitments.


The role provides the opportunity to work across all wards and departments within Health & Community Services. No previous experience is necessary, just the desire to care.


Full time, during holiday periods or hours that you have available at a weekend could have a real impact on a patient's time with us.


You might be providing help to someone who has had mobility reducing surgery, supporting an older person with memory difficulties or being a friendly face to someone that needs regular ward stays.


Our Health Care Assistants provide care in a number of different settings and locations, including Mental Health, Learning Disabilities, Day Services, Enid Quenault Centre, Older Adults and the General Hospital.


With no prior experience needed, we offer a spring board opportunity in to the world of health care careers.  And like we tailor our patient care, we will help tailor your career with the provision of full training and the opportunity to complete a professional qualification.   


To find out more email Sam Ahier for a chat via