Job Title: Teacher of Girl's PE - Grainville
Post requires candidate to be entitled for work: No
Contract Type: Permanent
Full time/Part Time:
Term Time only post:
Advert Closing Date:16/03/2025
By joining the Government of Jersey and wider Jersey Public Services, you'll be proud of what you can achieve – both for yourself and the people of Jersey. You'll enjoy a broader scope that allows you to express yourself, in a smaller setting that means you see the positive results of your impact every day. You'll have a diversity of opportunities that stretch and challenge you, with all the personal and professional support you need. Most of all, in our open, welcoming environment, your voice matters, enabling you to build a rewarding career.
Job Overview
Are you passionate about teaching Physical Education and eager to join our inclusive and forward-thinking school? Grainville School is seeking an experienced or newly qualified Teacher to join its successful PE department.
We are looking for someone who is a good team player, has excellent interpersonal and organisational skills. We require someone who can teach a range of sports across Key Stages 3 and 4 and who is committed to supporting our flourishing extracurricular sports programme.
Grainville is an inclusive school and is committed to the safeguarding and wellbeing of all students and young people. For more information or to arrange a visit please contact Paul McCafferty at or 01534 822935
The Teacher's Task
The DfESC and the representatives of the Teacher’s Unions have agreed the following statement of the Teacher’s Task in order to define more clearly the nature of teachers’ employment. It is their view that in this important work of educating Jersey’s children it is imperative that both teachers and Headteachers recognise the duty they owe to those children and the community. To this end the teacher is expected to maintain a professional commitment to their task and the Headteacher is pledged to a responsible and humane interpretation of this agreement.
The Post holder may be required to perform duties other than those given above. These may vary from time to time without changing the general level of responsibility. Such variations would not justify the re-evaluation of a post. NB: All staff are required to complete a 6 month probationary period during which time suitability for the post will be assessed. The postholder will interact daily with staff, student,parents and external stakeholders as part of this role. This will require the passing of and acting on, information in accordance to data protection requirements.
Definition of the Teacher's Task
The following provides a definition of the Teachers’ Task:
1. Teach effectively to meet the needs of all pupils and to ensure discipline and safety within the school community.
2. The DfESC is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and requires all teachers to share this commitment.
3. Plan, prepare, evaluate and modify as necessary personal teaching methods, work programmes and teaching materials in accordance with the DfESC curricular policies and school schemes and standards.
4. Mark and maintain records of pupils’ work in accordance with DfESC and school policies.
5. Promote the general progress and welfare of pupils in classes or groups or individually as part of the school’s pastoral and counselling arrangements.
6. Assess and record pupils’ personal and social needs, development, progress and attainment.
7. Provide or contribute to oral or written assessments and report on individual pupils and groups; consult and inform parents, co-operate with appropriate outside agencies in accordance with DfESC and school policies.
8. Contribute to and participate in corporate planning, self evaluation, in-service training and professional development in assigned areas of the curriculum and pastoral arrangements; participate in related staff meetings and school events.
9. Advise colleagues, co-operate with them on teaching programmes, methods, equipment and materials within assigned areas of the curriculum ensuring that appropriate administrative tasks are undertaken.
10. Contribute and participate in the school’s pastoral, tutorial and guidance arrangements and undertake an appropriate share of the organisation and conduct of parental consultation and staff meetings.
11. Contribute as required to the appointment, induction, professional development and assessment of junior colleagues, including new entrants to teaching.
12. Accept an appropriate share of the administrative and organisational tasks within the school, including providing support for teachers, undertaking additional curriculum or pastoral responsibilities or holding senior posts.
13. Ensure the safety and good order of pupils by carrying out an appropriate share of supervisions whenever pupils are authorised to be on school premises or elsewhere when the school is in session.
14. Undertaking an appropriate share of all collective responsibilities including substitution for an absent colleague subject to guaranteed non-teaching time.
15. Supervise support staff as required.
16. Order and allocate appropriate equipment and materials in accordance with DfESC and school policies and schemes.
17. Co-operate as required with teachers in other schools and colleges on curricular, pastoral and administrative matters.
Job Specific Outcomes 1 of 3
- Have a detailed knowledge of the relevant aspects of the PE Curriculum and other statutory requirements at a standard equivalent to degree level to enable you to teach confidently and accurately PE at both KS3 and KS4
- Have a secure knowledge and understanding of your specialist subject, including level descriptors at KS3 & KS4 as well as examination specifications and courses
- Understand progression across Key Stages in your specialist subject. Cope securely with subject-related questions which students raise and know about students’ common misconceptions and mistakes in their specialist subject
- Plan effectively to ensure that students have the opportunity to meet their potential, taking account of the needs of students who are underachieving, high ability or not yet skilled in PE, making use of relevant information and specialist help where available
- Plan effectively, where applicable, to meet the needs of students with Special Educational Needs and Jersey Premium Students
- Identify clear teaching objectives, success criteria, content, lesson structures and sequences appropriate to the subject matter and the students being taught
- Set appropriate and demanding expectations for students’ learning and motivation. Set clear targets for students' learning, building on prior attainment
- Ensure effective teaching of whole classes, groups and individuals so that teaching objectives are met, momentum and challenge are maintained, and best use is made of teaching time
- Use adaptive teaching to engage students through a variety of teaching methods, adapting teaching to meet the needs of all students
- Set high expectations for students' behaviour, establishing and maintaining a good standard of discipline through well-focused teaching and through positive and productive relationships
- Set appropriate and challenging targets using prior attainment and assessment information
Job Specific Outcomes 2 of 3
- Record and liaise with any colleague as and where appropriate to support students’ and their learning
- Assess how well learning objectives and success criteria have been achieved and use this assessment for future teaching and student learning
- Assess and record students progress systematically, including data tracking, focused observation, questioning, testing and feedback
- Mark and monitor students’ class and homework in line with department policy and provide constructive feedback, setting targets for students’ progress
- Recognise the level that a student is achieving and make accurate assessments, independently, against attainment targets, where applicable, and performance levels associated with other tests or qualifications relevant to the subject taught
- Set clear targets for improvement of students’ achievement, monitor students’ progress towards those targets and use appropriate teaching strategies and interventions in the light of this
- Be committed to ensuring that every student is given the opportunity to reach their potential
- Complete subject and tutor reports for parents
- Recognise that learning takes place outside the school context and provide opportunities to develop students' understanding by relating their learning to work-related examples
- Understand the need to liaise with agencies responsible for students' welfare
Job Specific Outcomes 3 of 3
- Liaise effectively with students’ parents/carers through informative reports on students’ progress and achievements, discussing appropriate targets, and encouraging them to support their children’s learning, behaviour and progress
- Understand the need to take responsibility for your own professional development and keep up to date with research and developments in pedagogy and in PE.
- Understand your professional responsibilities in relation to school policies and practices
- Set a good example to the students you teach in your presentation and your personal conduct
- Evaluate your own teaching critically and use this to improve your effectiveness
- Share your good practice within your team and across other teams in the school
- Establish effective working relationships with professional colleagues
- Where applicable, deploy support staff and other adults effectively in the sports facilities, involving them, where appropriate, in the planning and management of students’ learning
- Select and make good use of learning resources which enable teaching objectives and outcomes to be metThe postholder is required to:
- Have a working knowledge and understanding of the teachers professional dutiesAttend and participate in school meetings
- Be a form tutor / mentor and to carry out the related duties
- Take an active part in the school enrichment programme
- Take an active part in the school enrichment programme
- To undertake any other duty as specified by Jersey School Teachers Pay & Conditions Document not mentioned above
- Carry out the responsibilities of a teacher as defined in Teachers’ Standards and complete such other related duties and responsibilities as may be reasonably allocated, as need arises, by the Headteacher
Across the Government of Jersey and public service, the scope of our work means our people enjoy a wider range of opportunities – to work with recognised experts across teams, learn new skills and develop their careers. We actively look to recruit people from different backgrounds, with diverse perspectives. This creates a richer, more varied environment, where you’re exposed to new ideas, new ways of thinking and new opportunities, so you can develop an exciting and rewarding career.
Extraordinary, Everyday.