Executive and board recruitment
Appointment of executive leaders and board members
The appointment of executive leaders and board members across the Jersey Public Service has a major impact on the successful delivery of policy and services across the Island, and consequently it's vitally important that we engage and appoint the best possible candidates.
Many of the appointments at this level will have the oversight of the Jersey Appointments Commission which will ensure that the selection process is fair, efficient and conducted in accordance with best practice and procedure.
We actively look to recruit people from different backgrounds, with diverse perspectives. This creates a richer, more varied environment, where you’re exposed to new ideas, new ways of thinking and new opportunities.
Appointment of executive leaders and board members
The appointment of executive leaders and board members across the Jersey Public Service has a major impact on the successful delivery of policy and services across the Island, and consequently it's vitally important that we engage and appoint the best possible candidates.
Many of the appointments at this level will have the oversight of the Jersey Appointments Commission which will ensure that the selection process is fair, efficient and conducted in accordance with best practice and procedure.
We actively look to recruit people from different backgrounds, with diverse perspectives. This creates a richer, more varied environment, where you’re exposed to new ideas, new ways of thinking and new opportunities.
Latest executive and board opportunities
Latest executive and board opportunities
Director of Nursing, Allied Health Professions, Clinical Governance and Quality
Director of Nursing, AHP, Quality and Governance
Full information pack: Director of Nursing, AHP, Quality and Governance information pack
Job information:
The Director of Nursing, AHP, Quality and Governance is an integral part of our small community’s healthcare system. Our nurses, who work within our hospital or in the community and mental health feel a real sense of fulfilment and the nursing leader will enjoy connecting their efforts and the Island community’s overall health and quality of life.
Be part of a small Island where you can make a big impact.
The Director of Nursing is the Executive Nurse in Health and Care Jersey’s (HCJSD) services division and as such, the post holder has corporate responsibility for the strong and visible professional leadership of all Nursing / Midwifery staff and Allied Health Professionals together with the standard and quality of care delivered by those staff.
In partnership with the Medical Director, provide joint leadership for Clinical Governance, to develop, implement and manage the governance framework, thus enabling HCJSD to measure and continually improve both clinical quality and controls assurance standards.
As a member of the HCJSD health leadership team, you will contribute to the overall strategic direction and leadership of the organisation. Together with colleagues, you will ensure that the organisation has appropriate strategies and management systems in place, paying particular regard to Nursing / Midwifery / Allied Health Professionals and governance, to provide assurance on the delivery of services in line with business plan objectives, relevant legislation, and service standards.
This role will enable you to provide strategic leadership for Nursing, Midwifery and AHP services, securing the support and commitment of staff and key stakeholders by providing expertise and understanding of current and future service issues. As a Senior Leader, you will provide corporate accountability for the strong and visible professional leadership of all nursing and midwifery staff, together with the standard and quality of care delivered by those staff.
As the principal nursing expert, you will be responsible for advising Health & Care Jersey Island Division on all matters relating to Nursing, Midwifery and AHP in HCJSD, as well as representing HCJSD on local, regional, and national Nursing, Midwifery, AHPs or related bodies. The Director will act as the first point of contact and professional regulator to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).
This is an opportunity for an individual to make a genuine difference and contribute to the creation of healthcare facilities for future generations.
Further information and how to apply:
To find out more about the role, and how to apply, please view the Director of Nursing, AHP, Quality and Governance information pack
For an informal, confidential, conversation regarding the role, please contact Ian Tegerdine, by email on i.Tegerdine@health.gov.je
Closing date: 25th February 2025
Director of Workforce in Health and Care Jersey
Director of Workforce in Health and Care Jersey
Full job description: Director of Workforce - Health and Care Jersey - full job description
We are seeking an exceptional leader for the position of Director of Workforce to shape our workforce strategy and ensure that our people are supported to deliver essential health and care services to Jersey residents. We have ambitious plans to improve health and care in Jersey, which includes changes that will make a real difference to our patients, people and the services that we provide.
The Director of Workforce is responsible for developing and implementing a strategic, outcome focussed approach to resourcing within Health and Care Jersey, to ensure that the needs of Jersey residents are met when accessing health and care services.
Health and Care Jersey:
Health and Care Jersey is a department of the Government of Jersey. While not part of the NHS, it operates within national career frameworks but enjoys greater autonomy and flexibility - benefits that extend to our team members.
Our comprehensive training and education programmes also foster relationships across different parts of the public service, creating a supportive sense of community and professional camaraderie.
This is an opportunity for an individual to make a real difference to the delivery of the Jersey’s health and care services.
Role overview:
The Director of Workforce plays a pivotal role in shaping and overseeing workforce planning across our health and care services, working closely with senior leadership and operational teams on all HR and People matters, to attract, retain, and develop a diverse, skilled, and motivated workforce that meets the current and future needs of our services.
The successful applicant will be responsible for developing workforce strategies to meet the needs of Health and Care Jersey, working with the Health and Care Services Board and a new Health and Care Partnership Board, to support our current workforce needs and the development of the New Healthcare Facilities Programme, including a new Acute Hospital supported by a digital strategy.
Establishing and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders in Jersey’s health and care professional networks, as well as People Services HR teams, will be a key element of the role, to ensure workforce needs are met in alignment with overall service priorities.
For a full job specification, please click the attached link: Director of Workforce - Health and Care Jersey - full job description
Working in Jersey:
Life and work in Jersey offers a balance of familiarity and uniqueness. With one central hospital and a small number of offsite facilities, there is limited commuting, and you’ll quickly develop strong connections with colleagues, contacts and stakeholders. Please see the attached link providing some further insight on working and living in Jersey- Jersey: a life less ordinary
How to apply:
We are keen to hear from applicants with experience in leading and managing all aspects of healthcare workforce development at a senior level, as well as qualifications to MCIPD/Masters level (or equivalent).
For an informal, confidential, conversation regarding the role, please contact resourcing@gov.je
To apply, please link to the application page: Director of Workforce - Health and Care Jersey Job Details | Jersey Public Service
Closing date: 14th February 2025
Chair and Members of the Independent Jersey Statistics Council
Chair and Members of the Independent Jersey Statistics Council
Full candidate brief: Chair and Members of the Independent Jersey Statistics Council - candidate brief
Do you share a passion for ensuring that statistics for Jersey are produced in a way that best meets users needs?
If so, why not consider applying to be the Chair or a Member of the newly created Statistics Council for Jersey. Applicants with relevant experience as a user or producer of statistics will be considered from both Jersey and elsewhere.
The Council has the role of advising Jersey’s public authorities on the production, use, quality, relevance and integrity of the statistics produced by public authorities and advising any person or body in relation to tier 1 (or official) statistics. This will cover subjects as diverse as population, housing, education, crime, employment, and social trends, etc.
Job information:
The Chair of the new Jersey Statistics Council will lead the Council to deliver against its responsibilities under the amended Statistics and Census (Jersey) Law 2018. All Members will help ensure that Jersey’s tier 1 statistics remain independent, relevant, and robust.
Members will help ensure the Statistics Council acts as a forum for the public and statistics users to interact with the Chief Statistician, Statistics Jersey and other producers of statistics in public authorities on the quality, relevance and integrity of tier 1 statistics.
We welcome applications from candidates with experience relevant to the work of the Council.
Given that much of each role can be completed remotely, suitable applicants from outside Jersey will be considered.
The Statistics Council meets formally at least three times a year; the Chair may decide to hold additional formal or informal meetings.
Find out more:
To find out more about the role please view the full candidate brief: Chair and Members of the Independent Jersey Statistics Council - candidate brief
For further information or to arrange an informal discussion about the role please contact Francis Walker via email on F.Walker@gov.je or see the Statistics and Census (Jersey) Law 2018 as amended by the Statistics and Census (Jersey) Amendment Law 202-
How to apply:
To make an application please send your CV together with a supporting letter to resourcing@gov.je
Please indicate in your email which role or roles you are applying for.
Closing date: 16th February 2025
Director of Nursing, Allied Health Professions, Clinical Governance and Quality
Director of Nursing, Allied Health Professions, Clinical Governance and Quality
Full job description: Director of Nursing, Allied Health Professions, Clinical Governance and Quality job description
Job information:
The Director of Nursing, AHP, Quality and Governance is an integral part of our small community’s healthcare system. Our nurses, who work within our hospital or in the community and mental health feel a real sense of fulfilment and the nursing leader will enjoy connecting their efforts and the Island community’s overall health and quality of life.
Be part of a small Island where you can make a big impact.
The Director of Nursing is the Executive Nurse in Health and Care Jersey’s (HCJSD) services division and as such, the post holder has corporate responsibility for the strong and visible professional leadership of all Nursing / Midwifery staff and Allied Health Professionals together with the standard and quality of care delivered by those staff.
In partnership with the Medical Director, provide joint leadership for Clinical Governance, to develop, implement and manage the governance framework, thus enabling HCJSD to measure and continually improve both clinical quality and controls assurance standards.
As a member of the HCJSD health leadership team, you will contribute to the overall strategic direction and leadership of the organisation. Together with colleagues, you will ensure that the organisation has appropriate strategies and management systems in place, paying particular regard to Nursing / Midwifery / Allied Health Professionals and governance, to provide assurance on the delivery of services in line with business plan objectives, relevant legislation, and service standards.
This role will enable you to provide strategic leadership for Nursing, Midwifery and AHP services, securing the support and commitment of staff and key stakeholders by providing expertise and understanding of current and future service issues. As a Senior Leader, you will provide corporate accountability for the strong and visible professional leadership of all nursing and midwifery staff, together with the standard and quality of care delivered by those staff.
As the principal nursing expert, you will be responsible for advising Health & Care Jersey Island Division on all matters relating to Nursing, Midwifery and AHP in HCJSD, as well as representing HCJSD on local, regional, and national Nursing, Midwifery, AHPs or related bodies. The Director will act as the first point of contact and professional regulator to the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).
This is an opportunity for an individual to make a genuine difference and contribute to the creation of healthcare facilities for future generations.
Find out more:
To find out more about the role please view the full Director of Nursing, Allied Health Professions, Clinical Governance and Quality job description
For an informal, confidential, conversation regarding the role, please contact Ian Tegerdine, by email on i.Tegerdine@health.gov.je
How to apply:
To apply, please click the following link: Director of Nursing, Allied Health Professions, Clinical Governance and Quality Job Details | Jersey Public Service
Closing date: 22nd January 2025
Tribunal Chair, Deputy Chair and Commissioners of Appeal for Taxes
Tribunal Chair, Deputy Chair and Commissioners of Appeal for Taxes
The Minister for Treasury and Resources is legally required to provide an independent body to hear appeals from decisions of the Comptroller of Revenue.
The Minister is seeking to recruit a legally qualified Chair and Deputy Chair(s) together with Commissioners of Appeal. The Commissioners of Appeal are the first point of appeal for taxpayers – both individuals or businesses – who wish to dispute decisions and rulings made by the Comptroller of Revenue. The body has independence through the Tribunal Service.
Job information:
Applications are currently being sought for a Chair and Deputy Chair(s) who must be legally qualified and with at least 5 years’ experience practising in a relevant role.
In addition, there are vacancies for the position of Commissioner. Applicants do not need to be tax experts but should have relevant financial, accountancy, legal or business experience.
All appointees will need to have their personal and business tax affairs in good order. Having disputed tax matters with the Comptroller – or before the Commissioners – is not a barrier to application or appointment.
A Chair or Deputy Chair, together with 2 Commissioners sit together at each hearing and approximately 10 – 12 hearings are held each year. The Chair, Deputy Chair and Commissioners are paid an honorarium for each sitting. Hearings normally last approximately 3 hours with work relating to the case(s) required prior to and following a hearing.
Core skills required:
Applicants for Chair and Deputy Chair must have -
- a record of integrity and understanding of the essential elements of the conduct of a fair and objective hearing; and
- an ability to analyse and scrutinise arguments dispassionately and impartially and include in written decisions; and
- an ability to work under pressure in a considerate and non-confrontational manner; and
- an ability to listen and communicate clearly and effectively; and
- the ability to lead and train panel members; and
- a knowledge of Jersey’s tax system and relevant legislation and an understanding of the Tribunal process.
In addition, and for applicants for Commissioners of Appeal, they should demonstrate –
- the ability to act independently and without bias in reaching sound decisions, irrespective of personal feelings; and
- good listening skills and able to scrutinise arguments dispassionately; and
- the ability to work as part of a team whilst remaining objective and impartial in sometimes highly charged circumstances; and
- a sensitive understanding of people, regardless of disability, gender, social or educational disadvantage or ethnic / cultural background; and
- awareness of the role and standing of the Commissioners
How to apply:
Informal enquiries and applications, including a CV, can be directed to Julie Hinault, Manager Tax Governance and Professional Standards, at j.hinault@gov.je
Applications and CVs will be shared with the Minister for Treasury and Resources and interviews will be held in late January / early February 2025.
Closing date: 19th January 2025
Chief Officer of Employment, Social Security, and Housing
Chief Officer of Employment, Social Security, and Housing
Full job description: Chief Officer of Employment, Social Security, and Housing - job description
Job information:
An opportunity has arisen for a visionary individual to join our leadership team as the Chief Officer of Employment, Social Security, and Housing.
This critical position will support the Chief Executive, Chief Minister and Council of Ministers, in the design and delivery of a strategic vision and plan for the island, to ensure the best possible long-term outcomes are secured for the benefit of our island and its residents.
Key responsibilities:
The Chief Officer will play a pivotal role in leading and managing the strategic development and delivery of key services related to employment, social security, and housing, ensuring a demand lead person centred approach to delivering public services.
Working collaboratively with colleagues, the Chief Officer will be responsible for strategic matters relating to organisation performance and delivery of the transformational strategy, encouraging a culture focused on improvement and high performance.
The Chief Officer will provide effective delivery of services to support our islanders and businesses, to ensure the customer experience is a positive one.
Core skills required:
- Proven senior leadership experience, and a track record of developing and delivering an excellent customer experience.
- Strong understanding of social security legislation, political and economic pressures, governance, and regulatory issues.
- Developed specialist knowledge and experience of digital developments to shape the future delivery of services.
- Excellent strategic thinking and decision-making skills, and analytical ability.
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to develop and deliver excellent stakeholder engagement.
This is an opportunity for someone to make a genuine difference to the island’s future strategy with regards to employment, social security and housing.
How to apply:
If you are passionate about shaping the future of Jersey’s employment, social security and housing, we invite you to apply by visiting the following link: Chief Officer - Employment, Social Security and Housing Job Details | Jersey Public Service
For an informal and confidential discussion about the role, please email resourcing@gov.je and we will arrange a follow-up call for you.
Closing date: 14th January 2025
Chair of the Jersey Law Commission
Chair of the Jersey Law Commission
Full candidate brief: Chair of the Jersey Law Commission - full candidate brief
Job information:
We are looking to appoint a new Chair of the Jersey Law Commission.
As the Chair of the Commission, you will work alongside your fellow Commissioners who, as legal experts, review aspects of Jersey’s laws with a view to advising the Chief Minister, via the Legislation Advisory Panel (“the LAP”), on simplifying, repealing, and modernising legislation.
We are looking for an Advocate or Solicitor or an Academic in the field of law with a keen interest in modernising and simplifying legislation, who has experience in consulting with various stakeholders and communicating complex issues in an accessible way.
At a minimum, the Commission meets quarterly. The Chair and/or Commissioners will meet with the LAP and is required to prepare and present an annual report to the States, via the LAP and the Chief Minister.
The new Chair of the Commission will be appointed for 3-year terms, up to a maximum of 9 years and through a recruitment process, in line with Jersey Appointments Commission guidance.
Core skills required:
We are looking for an exceptional person, an Advocate or Solicitor or an Academic in the field of law, who has experience in chairing a Board in the public or private sector at Director level, who can provide strong leadership in either an Executive or Non-executive capacity, with prior knowledge of the key elements of a law commission, either in Jersey or elsewhere and an understanding of working in a small jurisdiction.
We actively look to recruit people from different backgrounds, with diverse perspectives. This creates a richer, more varied environment, where you’re exposed to new ideas, new ways of thinking and new opportunities.
Find out more:
For further information about the position, please find attached a full job description/candidate brief.
To arrange an informal discussion about the role, please contact Business & Governance Officer to the Council of Ministers, Benjamin Markwell-Sales, via b.markwell-sales@gov.je
How to apply:
To make an application for the position of Chair please email your CV, together with a supporting statement, to resourcing@gov.je
Closing date: 13th December 2024